write an e-mail

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write an e-mail

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:53:59
  • 双语例句

1. Later, I eat biscuits brown and mushroom paté in bed and write a Valentine's e-bluey (an e-mail printed on blue airmail forms) by candlelight.

2. Last month to Australia and New Zealand tourism, a little girl filming in Sydney and his father (probably is the little girl's father), and they are happy, when I left, the girl's father overtook me and gave me a little note, top write an E-mail address, he told me to don't understand, the guide beside, said the foreigner speak mean: you will send him by E-mail photographs.

3. You just write an e-mail to the customer and simply ask what you can do.


4. Even though I get an enormous amount of e-mail, please don't forget to write.

5. I was worried, decided to write an E-mail to him.

6. Danny: Do you want to write an e-mail to your friend?


7. I will write him an e-mail, and hope that he gets back to me as soon as possible.
我会写一封 e-mail 给他,希望他能尽快回信给我。

8. write an e-mail的近义词

8. You`d better write an e-mail to her this afternoon.

9. Write an e-mail to him. Tell him something about your life.

10. Please write an e-mail to your teachers or friends.

11. What should a good friend be like? I think that a good friend should…Write an e-mail to tell your friend what a good friend should do.

12. write an e-mail在线翻译

12. To be specific, it contains how to write an E-mail, note as well as memo and so forth..

13. Have to do something. But if you write an angry e-mail, don't hit send.

14. Talk with your classmates about " clean air in cities ", then write an e-mail to your city governor.

15. write an e-mail的反义词

15. Your subject line (aka title) is the most important part of an e-mail, which is why you write it last, after you've written down both your conclusion and the arguments and evidence that supports that conclusion.

16. As I write these words, I have just had an unprecedentedly helpful and apologetic e-mail from EasyJet saying that I am going to get my money in three weeks.

17. A couple of weeks ago I cracked and sent an e-mail in which I included this as a PS. I write about customer service in the Financial Times and this is the worst example that I have seen.

18. I have on my desk as I write this a stack of e-mail printouts half an inch high, and that's from less than six weeks!


19. Finally, I want to thank every American who took the time to sit down and write a letter, type out an e-mail, make a phone call or send a tweet hoping your voice would make a difference.

20. If you get an error, you can write an entry in an error log or a database, or send a warning e-mail message.

  • 临近词
Think about your recipient and how they’d most likely write an e-mail.(想想收件人的风格,以及他们最可能怎样写电邮。)
Write about your fears on your blog, send an E-mail to a friend or family member or chat with them.(把你的恐惧写在你的博客上,写封电邮给朋友或家庭成员或者与他们聊天。)
I’m going to write more posts about this subject but until then, feel free to send me an e-mail with any questions you have, or if you need suggestions. You can be anonymous.(我还会写一些这个题材的文章,如果你有任何问题或者需要什么建议,可以给我写邮件.如果实在不好意思,也可以匿名哦.....)
They do offer fascinating possibilities, for instance writing/reading a file handle could write/read directly to a database, or send an e-mail when you close the file.(但它确实能够让人神往,例如,通过写/读文件句柄,可以直接写/读数据库,或者在关闭文件时发送一封电子邮件。)
Don't write in all uppercase letters, which is an E-mail convention for anger or other strong emotions. No one likes yelling.(这不是大声嚷嚷的争吵。邮件不要都用大写字母来写,因为这是一种在邮件中表达愤怒或者其他强烈的感情的方式。没有人喜欢喊叫的。)
This allows you to use your fingers to operate the menus, dial, select music or write an E-mail.(这让用户能够运用手指操作菜单、拨号、挑选音乐或撰写电子邮件。)
IV. Write an E. mail with the following particulars.(根据下面的信息写一封电子邮件。)
Don't write in all uppercase letters, which is an E-mail convention for anger or other strong emotions.(邮件不要都用大写字母来写,因为这是一种在邮件中表达愤怒或者其他强烈的感情的方式。)
I must have copied your phone number down wrong so that I can only write an e-mail to contact you.(我一定是把你的电话号码抄错了,所以我只能给你发电子邮件联系你了。)
So if you wanted to enter a number into a spreadsheet or correct a word in an E-mail message, you had to write it in a special pop-up box, which then transferred the information to Office.(因此,如果你想在电子表格里键入数字或是修改e-mail的内容,就不得不使用专门的弹出框,才能把信息转移至Office软件。)
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